The need to invest money in one’s own technological capabilities to be able to progress and be inclusive in the modern era
Tigrish Chakrabarty:
With the advance of technology and the digitalisation of all administrative, professional and personal services, a large proportion of the population is no longer evolving at the same pace. Inclusion and technological culture are slowing down in relation to advances, and a large number of people are no longer following the course of progress.
1. Adults lagging behind in technological development
The majority of people over the age of 40 do not like to learn the intimate behaviours of their electronic devices, or find those too complicated and not worth the investment of time.
These same people generally don’t want to spend enough money on new devices. This creates a circle of dissatisfaction due to the fact that these devices are slow and not suited to people’s needs, making for a frustrating experience.
However, you shouldn’t think that a phone has to be expensive to work well, especially if it’s intended for limited use. For example, a phone costing less than 350 euro can last more than 5 years if it is well maintained, provided you choose from the models with right specifications.
If an app-based worker, such as a food or parcel delivery person, buys the right model of mobile phone, he or she can use it for long time.
2. The benefits of a computer in everyday life
Before the age of smartphones, the only viable way to access the internet was to use a computer, and the only affordable way to use it to its full potential was a desktop computer. Progress has meant that a smart phone can replace a computer for a large number of tasks, but it cannot replace its technical capabilities.
Many young people today don’t like the idea of using a computer, among the reasons being ‘too big’, ‘hard to use’, ‘too expensive’, ‘doesn’t serve me’. This is unfortunate, because the computer is a workstation that offers no limits to its efficiency and provides a superior experience to a mobile phone. The size of its screen, its performance and peripherals such as a physical keyboard and mouse increase productivity exponentially. Websites have their full functionality easily accessible, load faster and are clearer. Computers also offer the ability to install professional programmes for video editing, engineering, application development and video games.
However, you shouldn’t buy just any computer, as there are a huge number of combinations of components, such as processors, RAM, memory, graphics card and storage. An 800-euro computer can offer a considerable performance gain over a 1,500-euro computer poorly configured for the target task. That’s why you need expert advice on the subject to guide you in buying the right computer for your personal and professional use.
3. Our role in selecting a device
The digital world is huge and not easy to navigate. There is an excess of choice and unfortunately not all of it is good, from overpriced, underpowered devices to manufacturer-funded ‘review’ videos and omissions of accurate descriptions on online shopping sites. The choises you make under the influence of advertising may not always be correct.
Entity Systems offers expertise in selecting the right device, educating and assisting its customers to improve their understanding and integration into the digital world.
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