Multidimension desk:

Proposed changes in the treatment of asylum demand

The bill provides for the creation of “Espaces France Asile”, to offer asylum seekers a simplified administrative path between the various competent administrations, namely the prefecture, the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA). The government plans to deploy this system gradually, according to local needs and capacities, in order to rebalance the reception of asylum seekers in the territory.

The bill also proposes reforms to the organisation of the asylum appeal procedure before the National Court for the Right of Asylum (CNDA), in order to speed up the processing of appeals against refusals of protection by the OFPRA. The creation of the territorial chambers of the CNDA (which is today a single institution located at Montreuil) and hearing by a single judge are planned. The existing system of collegial court with three (3) persons will only be constituted if the complexity of a case justifies it.

Simplify appeal procedure against administrative decisions by the foreigners

Finally, the bill aims to simplify the procedure for cases involving the effective right of foreigners to challenge administrative decisions,  most of which are “obligation to leave French territory” (OQTF). This type of case is about 40% of the work of the Administrative Court (Tribunal Administratif). Already, the use of video hearings to adjudicate claims of foreigners held in administrative detention or in waiting areas has been increased to speed up the decision making process.