Experimentation of the RSA reform
Multidimension desk: The reform of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) focuses on the implementation of intensive support for RSA...
Proposed amendment in the draft budget bill for 2023 will affect the CPF
Multidimension desk: As part of the Finance Bill 2023, an amendment concerning the Personal Training Account (CPF) is proposed...
What will change for you in January 2023
Multidimension desk: SMIC (Minimum Wages) has increased by 1.81%. Since last year, a gross total of 106€ has been raised due to...
Know about Personal Training Account (CPF)
Multidimension desk: Upon entering the workforce at the age of 16 (or 15 in the case of an apprenticeship contract), the...
How health care support is provided to low-income individuals and families in France
Multidimension desk: WHAT IS SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH INSURANCE (CSS)? Complémentaire santé solidaire (CSS) is a public health...
Rough outline of France’s future immigration bill in official commentary
Multidimension desk: On 2 November 2022, the Home Minister Gérald Darmanin and the Labour Minister Olivier Dussopt outlined some...
How to apply for social housing (HLM)
Multidimension desk: Jecky Barua To be eligible for public housing (HLM), the applicant must meet the maximum annual income...
Proposition of new immigration law in the beginning of 2023
Multidimension desk: On September 15, in a meeting with the prefects (high level administrative officers), the president...
Socio-economic impact of Russia-Ukraine war on France
Multidimension desk Potential power shortage and price hike According to the government and specialists, France is probably...
Increase Of Minimum Wage & Social Support
Published on August 16, 2022 The war in Ukraine has led to an inflation that amounted to 6.1% last month and the price of food...
Major Drought Situation In France
Ref: le monde, francetvinfo, francebleu Published on August 12, 2022 The drought is hitting the country, almost the entire...
The Heat Wave In France
Since June 15, 2022, France has experienced several episodes of heat waves, unprecedented in their intensity and their...